Tuesday 16 June 2015

The First Meeting of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth

Lady Macbeth and Macbeth met at a royal ball where Lady Macbeth was by herself at one side of the dance floor watching her girl friends dance with their husbands. While watching her friends dance happily a man (Macbeth) staring at her caught her eye and her first impression of him was he is a handsome man who looks tough. Across the dance floor their was Macbeth staring at Lady Macbeth and thinking she is gorgeous and looks like a sophisticated lady. A few minutes later Macbeth went over to Lady Macbeth to ask her to dance she replied to his offer saying, "I would love too." As the clock hit 12 O'clock Lady Macbeth rushed out of the royal ball to go home before her evil witch powers kicked in because the guy she just met (Macbeth) didn't know about her being an evil witch. Macbeth raced his way to catch her but he was to late because she already was on her horse back to her home. He just sat there watching her leave and thinking if he will ever see her again. For two years he kept dreaming about her and how she danced gracefully across the floor, he wanted to get to know her more and see what came of getting to know her. Macbeth just kept fighting in bloody battles but his mind wasn't in the battles because he was to focused on Lady Macbeth. Meanwhile Lady Macbeth was sitting in her room thinking about him and how he really was a gentleman and how she wish she could tell him abut her evil witchness.

How Lady Macbeth and Macbeth got Married

A year after they met for the first time at the royal ball they meet again at a dinner hosted by Banquo a good friend of Macbeth's  at Banquo's castle. During the time they were talking at the dinner they talked about how Scotland had bad rulers and how they could fix it. Macbeth felt a deep connection between him and Lady Macbeth because they had the same perspective on how Scotland should be ruled and how that it would be better if they were the King and Queen of Scotland. A few minutes after they discussed that it would be better if they were the King and Queen it got more clear to Macbeth that if they worked together they could become King and Queen of Scotland, so he did what he thought was the right thing and besides it was the thing he wanted to do. He knelt down on one knee and pulled out a very expensive ring and asked her to marry him. Her reply was this " Yes!" 5 months later after they had a big expensive wedding at the King at the time King Duncan's castle. The wedding was filled with people of royalty and the wedding colors were violet and light blue. After they exchanged vows Macbeth kissed her and they rode off on a horse into the hills. Their married life began after that and they were like love birds for a while then things got back to normal.

Married Life up to Becoming King and Queen

Married life was wonderful for the new couple they spent everyday together and worked together to accomplish the things in life they wanted.Always going to dinners and royal balls it was full of excitement and happiness during their new marriage life. They made the same friends and these friends are Banquo, Macduff, Ross, King Duncan etc.. and they got more involved in royalty.The future marriage of the couple is looking bright and full of happiness. They both got better and dancing and showed off more in royal sports such as cricket, equestrian riding etc.. and out shined the other members of royalty. Just because you are royalty but not the king or queen doesn't mean you can't play games because everyone likes to play games. In December their was a Christmas royal ball hosted at King Duncan's castle and Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were invited. The enjoyment of the ball was over the top and they danced until their feet were really sore. This night was the start of a whole other plan. 

Married Life to Trying to Become King and Queen

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth hoped to become King and Queen one day to make Scotland a better country and decrease the battling.  They talked and talked about what they would improve and they came up with improving how each status of royalty helps rule the country and how money would be handled. They would do this by socializing with the right people such as Banquo and King Duncan. Becoming friends with King Duncan enough will make them be able to manipulate King Duncan to give up his title to them. The techniques Macbeth and Lady Macbeth would use to manipulate King Duncan would be bribing him with money, say how everyone is mad at them for the way they are ruling the country and if they don't surrender soon they will be targeted and killed,Also that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth would be there for them all the time and how a change is needed in ruling because it freshens the country up. Hopefully using these tactics King Duncan and his wife will give up the titles and Lady Macbeth and Macbeth will have to secretly kill them by stabbing them to death while they are sleeping so it makes it less obvious that they killed them.

Why Lady Macbeth Couldn't Concieve

The hope of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth to one day have children and have their kids rule Scotland is now crushed due to Lady Macbeth being an evil witch. Lady Macbeth can't conceive due to the evil magic she possesses it is too strong of power to produce anything because her powers are made to kill so it automatically will kill it in her stomach. Another thing is her body transforms from a witch to Lady Macbeth so during that switch the baby would be neglected oxygen from Lady Macbeth which would also cause it to die.  They were both heartbroken when they found out they couldn't conceive a child to love and maybe one day they would rule Scotland. Lady Macbeth after hearing that news and was already planning to kill King Duncan she told the dark spirits to turn her breast milk sour and take her womanly instincts away from her. After the news she felt she had to kill King Duncan so that Macbeth could be king and then she would be queen. Having kids was one out of the hopes they hoped for the most. 

Lady Macbeth and her Confession of Being an Evil Witch

Lady Macbeth is an evil witch who is married to Macbeth but Macbeth doesn't know she is an evil witch so today is the day she is confessing to him about her being an evil witch. Late that night she was in their room alone practicing spells for killing, when Macbeth knocked on the door. As the loud banging occurred and the sound of Macbeth's voice saying " Lady Macbeth you in there." She knew it was time, so she replied "yes I am, come on in." As he came through the door she said " Sit down I got something to tell you."He replied, Okay." After he sat down she confessed about being an evil witch and told him that she was nervous to tell him all this time because she thought he would think of her as a curse to be married to her and just that she is to be banished from his life forever. Macbeth told her he loves her too much to abandon her just because she is an evil witch. Then he continues to say evil witches are not so bad sure they have overly powerful powers but that is good to have against enemies of ours and as long as you don't use them on me or our family I'm okay with you being an evil witch. Since Macbeth was okay with Lady Macbeth being an evil witch she showed him the spell she was doing earlier which went like this Double,Double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble when they say it three times because magical things happen in three's always. 


One mysterious night Lady Macbeth was sleepwalking and her Lady in waiting caught her doing so. She walks with a light at all times. She also washes her hands for almost a full hour because she is seeing blood of the murder she conducted and she can smell it as well. She talks out loud about the murders and says how everything will be ruined by her nervousness. Then she walks to bed and sleeps for a couple hours then gets up and does this again. This is how she let her guilt and nervousness out was by sleepwalking and saying things out loud to herself. Macbeth told a doctor to check up on her because he cares about her and the doctor said it is mentally not physically sick so the doctor is a bit fumbled.

Right Before the Suicide of Lady Macbeth

A few minutes before Lady Macbeth's death, Macbeth is awaiting the arrival of Malcolm and Macduff and their army to kill him. Lady Macbeth is up on the very top of the castle walking back and forth at first thinking about how she is guilty of committing murders and how she wishes she could take back what she had done. She feels so guilty about her acts that she jumps off the top of the castle and kills herself on purpose.Living a life of regret was very difficult for her as it would be for anyone but killing people who did nothing wrong to you is worse. Lady Macbeth hated the way her husband had become as well and didn't know how to change his behavior so she gave up on everything and fell from the top of the castle. Deep in her mind she though falling off the castle and dying would snap her husband out of rage and make him realize what he did and is going to do is wrong.